Bjork Magazine

"The stars are so big, The Earth is so small, Stay as you are" (McLuhan 79)

As I look over the picture I took from Bjorklunden's trip, I want to make one specific theme about the quote above. As the quote says "Stay as you are", I wanted to show with these pictures how people look for something yet the thing you are looking for is right there in front of you. People are being blinded to the world in front of them. We all look for something out of reach before what is being presented. 

I tried to add some story to the book by adding a little bit of words. I started with the entrance to Bjorklunden and continued with trail pictures. Then, I continued with a tree pointing everywhere. And finally finding something inspiring scenery which was just in front of the people. I tried to indicate that what you are looking for is just in front of you by ending the magazine with a night picture of the same scenery as some pictures from the daytime.



Through the ears

Who's he
